Slagerij van Kampen

40th Anniversary Tour
Sat 15 Mar '25 20:15 - 22:10
Sat 15 Mar '25
20:15 - 22:10
  • Sat 15 Mar '25
    20:15 - 22:10
    Interval 21:00
    Grote Zaal

Slagerij van Kampen has achieved great success over the past 40 years, with an Edison Award, a gold record, numerous theater tours, TV appearances, and a live performance for Nelson Mandela. They are known to be a source of inspiration for many percussion groups worldwide.

The distinctive Van Kampen sound, a unique style of synchronized drumming with unparalleled variations, is rooted in the style of the legendary Burundi Drummers. Founder Willem van Kruijsdijk recalls, "At a young age, I was already deeply impressed by the Burundi Drummers. I was around twelve years old when I first heard them playing. There is an immense primal force emanating from this unique way of drumming in unison." After 40 years, this primal force is still unmistakably present during Slagerij van Kampen's shows.

During this 40th Anniversary Tour, the beautiful past and the powerful, impressive present come together in a fantastic live experience. The heartwarming energy of the band members, stunning visual effects, and the overwhelming primal force of the drums once again leave a lasting impression. Slagerij van Kampen: a timeless rhythmic phenomenon!


Band: Olaf Fase, Boudine van Slobbe, Clara de Mik, Johan Boere, Robin van Vliet

Oprichters: Mies Wilbrink en Willem van Kruijsdijk

Artistieke leiding: Eric Dieteren

Producent en publiciteit: ICON Entertainment BV

Tourneeplanning: Theaterbureau de Mannen